LASIK Excimer - Your Cary, Chapel Hill, Durham, Roxboro LASIK Surgeons

The "Laser" in LASIK
While Christmas lights are typically not lasers, there is one very important part of the Holiday season that’s absolutely dependent upon lasers, and that is…shopping! So here we are, fresh off a blog on LASIK technology and laser vision correction, and I thought – in addition to LASIK being a perfect Christmas gift for someone – that in the spirit of the Holiday season, we might delve deeper and range broader with the very thing that makes LASIK and millions of people be able to see so well without glasses or contacts – the laser.
If we’re looking at Christmas shopping and the application of laser technology, you are right on point if you are thinking, “Of course, a laser beam scans the bar codes for prices on the stuff we buy.” But I’m thinking of another shopping related laser that’s not so visible – even if you’ve had LASIK – and that is automatic doors, ho ho! Every time we stride towards those closed glass doors trusting they will open, we are really trusting that our bodies will block the laser beam transmitting from one side to the other in front of the door. Actually, a deer’s body works just as well, as shoppers witnessed on November 19th at a Kohl’s store in Coralville, Iowa! While they might have wished it were reindeer instead, three deer danced up close enough to a set of automatic doors, the doors opened, and the deer pranced inside! The store’s security camera caught it live!:
But have you ever wondered about being locked inside a building in the event of an electrical power failure, because the automatic doors won’t open? Actually, it’s just the opposite. Ever wonder why those automatic doors have manual locks? That’s so they won’t open. In fact, they will open if the electricity stops flowing!
Invention of the Laser - Related to Quantum Physics
Last but not least, at North Carolina Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat (NCEENT), we hope to give everyone (who reads this blog!) a vision gift – “vision,” as in the kind that dances through your head like sugar plums! – a couple of gifts for the mind. The invention of the laser itself was made possible by the discovery and development of quantum physics. A couple of quantum phenomena closely related to lasers are quantum liquids and quantum superconductors. As with the laser being “amplified light,” quantum liquids flow upward, and in the case of quantum superconductors, solids float in the air – which make possible those amazingly fast maglev (magnetically levitating) trains in Japan and Europe! Without diving into the physics here, we’re just providing a look at a few of these latter 20th Century miracles.So, whether you’ll have sugar plums, quantum phenomena, automatic doors, or all the Christmas stuff you’re buying dancing through your head, we at NCEENT bid you Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays!