Lasik for College? See your Cary, Chapel Hill, Durham, Roxboro LASIK Surgeons

LASIK Surgery for college-bound students from Cary, Chapel Hill, Durham, Roxboro areas
Not that high school isn’t a physical, vision-intensive period in our lives, but if we need vision correction in our teens, why not take care of it in time for college?
Of course the age 18 threshold for LASIK is generally what eye surgeons abide by, because by then the eyes are essentially fully developed. And with 18 also being the usual age at high school graduation, that may be why LASIK for college comes up now. Toss the glasses and contacts after high school graduation? What a concept!
Indeed, LASIK at this stage in life makes sense and is good timing for several reasons. This is a time in life when you become more and more independent—of parents, siblings, high school friends, especially for someone going away for college. And, perhaps less obviously, this independence can also affect the dynamics going on between you and your eyeglasses or contact lenses—because nobody is immune to losing, misplacing, or breaking eyeglasses (or a lens popping out of the frame) especially during the high-energy, high-activity, potentially chaotic college years.
I mean, we could request submissions of related “horror” stories and receive a ton of them—break your glasses before a big exam, a contact pops out during an athletic performance, can’t find your glasses and you have to drive—at night, even worse, and mom, dad, sis, bro’ isn’t around, your roommate is busy… the list goes on.
But even beyond college when we’re snuggled into our jobs and relationships and the dust of academe has settled, and we enter the general adult population now, we are still saddled with all possible dependencies, discomforts, hassles of our vision-correction “equipment”—that is, if we haven’t yet had LASIK.
Well, I guess what’s inspired this blog is that spring is in the air and that means the end of the school year is near. Whether that end is of high school or college or any year in between, the magic age is 18 (to 80) for laser vision correction. Hmmm, graduation present? Anyway, as they say, suum cuique, “to each his/her own,” and that ancient wisdom applies to our vision correction choices, whether hi-tech or lo-.