Warning Signs of Cataracts Warrant a Visit to a Durham, NC Eye Doctor

Have you ever thought about how your eyes work? After all, sight is one of the most important senses the body uses; as such, it is important to do everything you can to maintain healthy eyesight. If you are curious about how your eyes work, here is an excerpt from a WebMD article that explains how your eyes function:
“The eye functions much like a camera. Light rays enter the eye, passing through the cornea, the aqueous humor — transparent fluid in the front of the eye — and then the pupil and into the lens. The lens bends the light rays to focus objects onto the retina lining the back of the eye. From there, the image passes through the retinal cells, into the optic nerve, and finally to the back of the brain which process the images.”
Unfortunately, your eyesight can be ruined by a variety of factors. One such factor is a disease known as cataracts. Cataracts develop due to protein buildup in the eye(s). These proteins accumulate over the lens of the eye, inhibiting your ability to see clearly.
Cataracts are usually found in the eyes of the elderly aged 65 and older. However, there are other factors that increase the risk of developing cataracts at an earlier age. Some of these factors include heavy drinking and smoking, as well as suffering from diabetes. Prolonged use of corticosteroids commonly found in asthma medication can also cause cataracts to develop.
If cataracts are left untreated for too long, the risk of complete blindness in the affected eye increases. Fortunately, cataracts do not come out of nowhere; they tend to exhibit easily noticeable symptoms (apart from the obvious blurred vision). If you experience any of the following symptoms, immediately see a trusted Durham eye doctor:
Eye Discoloration
Cataracts often change the color of the lens to a brownish or yellowish hue. Others can easily see this change. You can self-assess yourself with the help of a mirror. You can also tell if you are experiencing discoloration because the cataract will add a “colored tint” to your vision.
Light Glare
People with cataracts often experience a “sunburst” or glare when looking at lights. This problem is more noticeable during the night. During the day, this problem may manifest as a sensitivity to light.
Cataracts are relatively easy to treat, especially when it is caught early. People above the age of 50 or those who have a higher-than-normal risk for cataracts should see an experienced eye doctor in Durham, NC like Dr. Marguerite J. Sullivan every year to have their eyes screened for cataracts.
(Source: Cataracts and Your Eyes; WebMD)