Should I See A Doctor For Snoring Relief?
Snoring overview
More than 100 million people snore at least occasionally. For most, the condition is more annoying than dangerous, consisting of a mild sore throat and/ or nasal congestion.
Seeing a doctor for snoring may seem like an unnecessary step, but left untreated, snoring can worsen over time.
Even occasional snoring can be a warning sign of a serious disease called Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is caused by the closing of the upper airway while sleeping.
This usually occurs when relaxed soft tissue at the back of the throat completely blocks the airway. When air cannot reach the lungs, you momentarily stop breathing during sleep.
We Start with a Thorough Snoring Evaluation
While the first warning signs may be noticed by your primary care physician, a complete examination by your ENT specialist is the first step towards snoring relief.
There are a number of issues that could be causing your snoring (elongated soft palate, enlarged tonsils, a deviated septum or even nasal polyps).
The ENT doctor will check for enlarged or crowded throat structures and evaluate risk factors such as weight, high blood pressure and heart rate before recommending the best treatment plan for you.
A Variety of Snoring Treatment Options
Many devices and procedures have been developed to temporarily control snoring and help you on the way to restoring your quality of life..
Non-surgical approaches, such as losing weight, lifestyle modifications, or oral appliances to reposition the jaw during sleep are possibilities.There are also more aggressive and invasive surgical options for patients who do not get relief from these conservative treatments.
There are many effective treatment options you can discuss with an Otolaryngologist. These include Coblation, surgical excision of tissue, implants and other techniques.Call North Carolina Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat to Schedule an Appointment!
North Carolina Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat has offices in Cary, Durham, and Chapel Hill for treatment of snoring.Contact us today! Make an appointment at one of our nearby offices, to discuss treatment options.