VNG Test - Balance Evaluations

Dizziness and Vertigo

Vertigo, dizziness, and balance problems can be life altering. For many people it can affect their ability to do even the simplest daily tasks. If you are experiencing vertigo symptoms or balance issues, this may be related to an inner ear issue and your doctor may want to refer you for a VNG test / balance evaluation.

What is a VNG Balance Evaluation?

VNG stands for videonystagmography, which is a series of tests that evaluate the health of your inner ear and your central motor function / central nervous system.

Your test results can possibly uncover the root cause of your vertigo (such as Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), acoustic neuroma, Meniere's disease, etc ), dizziness or balance issues, and allow your doctor or audiologist to offer a vertigo treatment that treats it appropriately and effectively.

What Tests Will Be Performed?

A VNG test consists of a variety of tests to uncover the root cause of your symptoms. Most VNG evaluations consist of four main tests:

  • Ocular Mobility checks for your ability to follow visual targets. You will attempt to follow targets with your eyes while an object is jumping, moving slowly, or standing still. Inability to track objects properly could indicate central or neurological problems or possibly an issue with the vestibular system connecting to the brain.
  • Optokinetic Nystagmus also checks for your ability to follow visual targets. During this test, you will watch a large image that is continuously moving, and will be asked to follow the movements. Similarly, this test will give clues to possible central or neurological problems or problems with the vestibular system.
  • Positional Nystagmus will help to give an idea of the health of your inner ear system. You will be asked to move your head and body into different positions, checking for inappropriate eye movements in each position. If there is any fluid blockage in the inner ear, it could be the cause of vertigo or balance issues.
  • Caloric Testing can determine if you have vestibular system weakness in one or both ears by checking to see if your ears can detect sensations properly. Your eyes will be monitored while your inner ears are stimulated (one at a time) with warm and cool air.

Preparing for VNG Testing

Because of the nature of the tests, there are some preparations you will need to make before your evaluation. Our staff will provide you with clear instructions on how to prepare for your examination.

For example, we may ask you to discontinue certain allergy medications, not to consume any alcoholic beverages or caffeinated drinks at least 48 hours before the tests, to remove contact lenses or eyeglasses or to fast for a few hours prior to testing.  

Eye makeup, mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow can all interfere with the test. You will need to remove all eye makeup before testing.

Don't wear contacts or glasses but bring them and contact solution if needed.  The exact instructions may vary from patient to patient. If you have any questions about your instructions or how to prepare for the test, ask your audiologist.

Tell your doctor if you have certain medical conditions,  such as tympanic membrane perforation, that can impact your test.

The entire VNG test / evaluation typically lasts about 90-minutes and can cause some dizziness. This dizziness usually subsides within a short period of time. It is advised that you bring someone with you who can drive you home afterward if you are unable to drive or do not feel well after the tests.

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